Product Reviews

Product Reviews by Tess

Product Reviews module allows your customers to easily write reviews for products.


Version 2.014 View install docs (PDF) Get Support


Updated to 2.014 05/28/2024

If you're updating from anything below 2.000 to 2.000+, please read the install docs and look for "Upgrade".

Product Reviews module allows your customers to easily write reviews for products. This module also allows for importing and exporting product reviews.


  • Import Reviews
  • Export Reviews
  • Utilize Miva Facets to display Average Ratings as a facet
  • Approve, Disapprove and Delete Reviews
  • Verfified Buyer tag (i.e. they have purchased the product they are reviewing)
  • reCAPTCHA settings to help prevent spam
  • Additional Field settings (You can add more fields for your customers to fill out!)
  • Settings to change certain fields from being optional/required
  • Review Form Template and Review Listing Template
  • Automated "Mail After" emails with a Scheduled Task
  • Allow your customers to view reviews by star rating (breakdowns)
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Release Notes
Miva 9.14.00 or higher.

If you're updating from anything below 2.000 to 2.000+, please read the install docs and look for "Upgrade".

v2.014 release 05/28/2024
  • Swapped Runtime_Product_Load_Code_Cached to Product_Load_Code_Cached
v2.013 release 02/01/2024
  • Fix for reCAPTCHA v3 System Module & checking for cust_id
v2.012 release 11/06/2023
  • Bugfix: Removed references of `page_id` for Miva 10.08+
v2.011 release 05/04/2022
  • Bugfix: api_ver changed to 10.000
v2.010 release 05/06/2021
  • Bugfix: BCC was not working on Mail After Emails
v2.009 release 12/16/2020
  • Bugfix: item order is auto-added when the page is created. Unassign when the page is created.
v2.008 release 12/04/2020
  • Bugfix: l.order wasn't being cleared, so items would attach to other review emails.
v2.007 release 11/24/2020
  • Bugfix: items aren't rendered in reviews emails
v2.006 release 10/02/2020
  • Bugfix: MailAfter_Email_Trigger_All_LowLevel: when shipment is created, ship_date is 0, would trigger off the email.
v2.005 released 09/24/2020
  • Bugfix: When email is not submitted, still checks against Product Reviews X Email
v2.004 released 09/09/2020
  • New Feature: Created tgreviews_orderitems item
  • New Feature: Added Review_Check_CustomerXProduct to the tgreviews item
  • Bugfix: Updated base template "page" to "tgr_page"
v2.003 released 09/01/2020
  • Bugfix: Fixed Test_MailAfter_Email issue (not firing)
  • Bugfix: Fixed typo in Mail After email
v2.002 release 08/26/2020
  • Bugfix: If you have multiple tgreviews items on the page, it can cause issues with the variables being re-set on the Prerender (if they are in different items on the same page)
v2.001 released 08/09/2020
v2.000 released 08/08/2020
v1.006 released 02/08/2020
v1.005 mystery date
v1.004 released 02/26/2019
v1.003 released12/20/2018
Developer Info


Professional Services Lead Web Developer


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