Search Tools Bundle

Search Tools Bundle by Emporium Plus

Why would you leave your internal site navigation to chance? The refine your search feature lets your customer drill down to the specific product they are looking for.


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About a hundred years ago Teddy Roosevelt said, "If you build it, they will come." You spend a lot of time and money with hosting, entering data into your store, and improving the look and feel of your pages. But if you don't take an active role in directing traffic to your site and keeping them there once they arrive, your efforts will go unrewarded. To further that goal, we have included our two popular search related modules in the Search Tools Bundle, priced lower than if bought separately.

Template Data Feed

You have to establish incoming links to your site. You could submit your home page to the search engines and hope all the pages get included in the search index. For better results, you need to submit datafeeds or hire someone else to submit them for you. Take a look at the comparison chart below between the built in features and the alternatives. The solution is obvious, you need to improve your external search index interface. Most of the time you will find the Template Data Feed (TDF) module does everything you need to increase traffic through well placed, search index insertions. For the cost of dinner for two, you can make a significant improvement in your store's incoming traffic. If you have a few minutes a month to run the feeds and upload them, I doubt you'll need an expensive submission service. You can start out with the free indexes, like Google Base. But watch out, if your content is not rich with keywords related to your products, you'll end up getting traffic that just eats up bandwidth, butdoes not bring in the buyers. You want quality traffic, not quantity. More on that below.

 Built InTemplate Data FeedSubmission Service
Pricefree$40$50-$75 per month
Sitemap HTMLyesyesno
Datafeed From Your Adminnoyesrequires export module
Limit Export By Code, Price, Weightnoyesdepends on export module
Control Over Category Insertionnoyesdepends on export module
Custom Field Data Includednoyesdepends on export module
Convert Currency To Datafeed Specnoyesdepends on export module
Remove HTML From Descriptionnoyesdepends on export module
Feed Timeout Avoidancenoyesdepends on export module
Automatic Exportsnoyes *depends on export module
Export To Documents Directoryyesyesdepends on export module
Send Export As Email Attachmentn/ayesdepends on export module
Create Short Linksyesyesdepends on export module
XML and RSS Feedsnoyesdepends on export module
Multiple Pre-defined Feed Formatsn/ayesyes
Licensed Bystoredomainstore
* requires cron and a long server timeout setting in large stores

Power Search

Why would you leave your internal site navigation to chance? Granted, you could use the built in search system and customers might find the products they are looking for. But take a look at the comparison between the built in system and the alternatives. The answer is obvious, you need to upgrade your internal search capability. 99% of the time you will find the Power Search module does everything you need to increase sales through better site navigation. The refine your search feature lets your customer drill down to the specific product they are looking for. Having an easy to navigate site also increases your chance that the customer will be a repeat customer. The recent search history feature makes it easy for the customer to go back and look at products they saw but did not immediately put in their basket. Again, for the cost of dinner for two, you can make a significant improvement in your store's bottom line by keepingthem on the site and guiding them to the products they want to buy. Considering the law of diminishing returns, I doubt you'll need an expensive hosted solution.

One of the benefits of Power Search is it logs the searched words so you can analyze the words that real customers are using to look for your products. When words are used that yield zero results, you can include those words in the products' descriptions if you have products related to those words. You can also correlate the search words with actual sales in real time as orders come in by including the search words the customer used while on your site in theemail that you get. By tracking the relevant search words that yield sales and improving your content, you can also improve your incoming links campaign by submissions to pay per click sites using the Template Data Feed.

 Built InPower SearchHosted Search
Pricefree$45$50-$250 per month
Boolean ANDyesyesyes
Boolean ORnoyesyes
Exact Phrasenoyesyes
Begins With (selected field)noyesno
Customer Selectable Field Searchnoyesno
Miva Custom Fields Searchablenoyesyes
Store Morph Template Controlyesyesyes
Customer Controlled Sort Ordernoyesyes
Field Boostingnoyes *yes
Keyword Density Scoringnoyes * yes
Category Specific Searchnoyesyes
Price Range Filteringnoyesyes
Numbered Pagination and Countnoyesyes
Did you mean (suggested words)noyes *yes
Fuzzy Searchnonoyes
Highlight Search Words In Name and Brief Descriptionnoyesyes
Hide Specific Products From Searchnoyesmaybe
Search Category Fieldsnoyesyes
Search Cloudnoyesyes
Admin Log For Keyword Identificationnoyesyes
Search History Display (all customers)noyesno
Search History Display (current customer)noyesno
Correlate Search Queries With Sales In Each Ordernoyesno
Product Comparison Gridnoyesyes
Autocomplete Capablenoyesyes
Licensed Bystoredomainstore
Search System Logo On YOUR Search Pagenonoprobably
* MySQL stores only

Compatibility. We are occasionally asked about compatibility issues. If your host is, you may not be able to use the TDF module due to the way they configure their servers, i.e. not allowing exports. There are no known issues with other hosts. If you are using Viking Coders inventory module, the product quantity token in the TDF will notbe accurate, however that token is not used for most exports. If you are using the emediasales price group module, thediscounted prices will not show in Power Search. You can use our Price Group Manager which will show the discounted prices for logged in customers. The TDF can export SEO urls compatible with the Sebenza, Emporium Plus Tool Kit, and Miva built-in short links.

The bottom line is for less than $100 you can markedly increase relevant traffic to your site and intelligently guide customers to the products they want to buy.

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