Generate Coupons

Generate Coupons by Miva, Inc.

Generate Coupons allows to you dynamically generate a coupon code when a customer encounters a designated page on your site or triggered by you in the administrative interface.



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Generate Coupons allows to you dynamically generate a coupon code when a customer encounters a designated page on your site or triggered by you in the administrative interface.

This allows you to give a customer a one-time coupon in real time for completing actions such as signing up for your newsletter or creating an account. You can even include a coupon in the customer’s order confirmation email after they place an order giving them a discount on their next order.

The coupon settings are completely customizable giving you the ability to specify the coupon discount (which price group the coupon is tied to), how long the coupon is active (number of days) and how many times the coupon can be used.

You specify a prefix for the coupon and when the coupon is generated, random alpha-numeric characters will be appended to the end, making it unique for that customer.

For advanced users, this module comes with some built in functions to allow you to overwrite the default settings as well as use conditional to conditionally generate the coupon. This way you can do things like, "If order total is greater than $100, then generate a coupon for 10% off their next order. If less than $100 give them 5% off"

View Generate Coupon Function documentation here

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Miva, Inc.

Miva is a modern ecommerce platform that evolves with your business. Miva generates ROI for your business, keeps you competitive, and empowers you to scale. At Miva, our mission is to empower independent sellers to control their destiny and thrive. We help businesses exceed their own expectations, sell their own way, and succeed on their own terms.


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